LSM 900 Confocal (Zeiss)
Contact Dr. Lionel Faure for training
Location: SRC 105C
Description: Combine the excellent image quality of the confocal LSM 900 with the new Multiplex mode for Airyscan 2 to get more information in shorter times. The speed and gentleness of the sensitive Airyscan area detector complement this compact point scanning confocal and allow you to image your most demanding samples with a 4-8Â times more signal-noise ratio.
The LSM 900 has 3 PMTs: 2 Alkali detectors, 1 GaAsP detector
Four different lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640 nm
Objectives: 2.5X,10x, 20x, 40X (oil), 63X (oil),
With the A1, you can do the following:
Z stack
Large image/tiling
Sample positions
Spectral imaging
Linear unmixing
Transmission channel highly sensitive photomultiplier for detection of transmission signal like DIC (40X and 63X). or fluorescence detection
Airyscan 2 multiplex for fast and high-resolution
Live cell incubator (heat, humidity, and CO2 controlled)
One monochrom CCD camera (Axiocam 503)
Operates on the Zen lite software for image processing
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