Epifluorescent Microscope, Eclipse 90i (Nikon)
Contact Dr. Lionel Faure for training
Location: SRC 320K
Description: The 90i is ideal for fluorescent and bright-field images of whole tissues and small organisms. Six single filters allow fluorescence detection in the widely used DAPI, FITC, TRITC, CFP, YFP, and Cy5 ranges of this upright compound microscope. It is an excellent microscope for histology, cytochemistry, and immunocytochemistry (stain or fluorescent).
Objectives: 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X 60X and 100X (Oil)
DAPI (Ex: 377 and Em: 450 mn)
CFP (Ex: 438 nm and Em: 483 nm)
GFP (Ex: 470 nm and Em: 570 nm)
YFP (Ex: 500 nm and Em: 528 nm)
TRITC/Texas Red (Ex: 580 nm and Em: 700 nm)
Cy5 (Ex: 628 nm and Em: 692 nm)
Excitation by epifluorescence is LEDs with a range of about 375 to 700 nm
Operates on NIS element AR software
All systems are motorized except for the slide movement in the field.
Fast CMOS Camera that can be used for density quantification and is high resolution. The system can do color images.